Welcome to the web portals of Auxilium , Kattappana. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”– Nelson Mandela. Education is the basic need of a human being. It can dispel the darkness of ignorance, injustice and exploitation. It is the key with which we can open many doors of human developments. Our vision is to envisage our pupils to become intellectually enlightened, morally upright spiritually oriented, emotionally balanced, patriotic, eco friendly, socially committed and accomplished, in a word, integrally developed young women and men who will be agents of social transformation in today’s India for a better tomorrow . We are convinced that we can achieve this only in an educating community in which pupils, teachers, parents & management work together in an atmosphere of joy, loving kindness, friendliness, family spirit, relationship with God, fidelity to duty and spirit of service. We look up to Mary as Our Mother, model, Teacher & Guide . Auxilians are eager to excel and achieve yet never lose sight of the strong value based foundation. Our education aims not only at success but endeavors to make our children sensitive and humane to reach out in love & service. Through this website, I am sure we are going to be webbed and inter-connected with each other and expect to go a long way in guiding all concerns besides being a source of interaction and information. Let us work together and devote ourselves for the same. Sr. Sheela Jacob, Manager